Center For Advanced Dentistry News

Why Is Dental Care Important?

March 7, 2022

Dental care is an essential part of our oral health. Dental health ensures that your teeth are in top shape for you to use. If you have questions that need answers, visit a general dentist in San Jose for the best explanations. Dental hygiene refers to the practice of maintaining the cleanliness of the mouth, […]

Is Invisalign® Better Than Braces?

When you undergo an orthodontic treatment designed particularly for you, straightening your teeth is a pleasure. If you’re looking to know more about braces or Invisalign in San Jose, read on. Overcrowding and crooked teeth are not only unattractive and may make you self-conscious about your smile. They also make it difficult to maintain your […]

Does Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Brighten Your Smile?

While our teeth naturally darken as we age, many foods and beverages we consume can discolor or stain them. Fortunately, teeth whitening is available that can improve your stained teeth. Although professional teeth whitening can significantly improve the color of your teeth, over-the-counter whitening toothpastes and whitening kits are also available. If you’re wondering whether […]

Helpful Tips To Eliminate Bad Breath Permanently

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your breath? Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem to deal with. While it is common for everyone to experience bad breath from time to time, it can become a chronic issue that affects your social life and confidence. The good news […]

Tips For Managing Dental Anxiety In Children

Dental anxiety can be mild or severe. Mild anxiety can be helped by taking some simple steps. Read on to learn more. Tips For Managing Dental Anxiety In Children Practice makes perfect! Make sure the first few visits to the dentist are positive experiences for your child. They will soon learn that there’s nothing to […]

Highly Recommended Dental Treatments

While general dentists in San Jose can offer you a variety of alternatives for managing your teeth, a dentist specializing in orthodontics and restorations can provide you with better opportunities for managing your oral health.   Whether you need braces, dentures, or implants, this will ultimately be determined by your teeth’s quality, condition, and severity. While […]

When Should You Consider Getting All On 4® Implants?

Having missing teeth can be pretty frustrating, not to mention embarrassing at the same time. You may experience discomfort when it comes to eating, and your face can even be deformed because of the missing teeth. The perfect fix is getting the All on 4® implants in San Jose. Implants are a great way to […]

Can Anyone Get Invisalign®?

If you’re planning on having your teeth corrected but have no time getting braces, then Invisalign® clear aligners might be what you need. This orthodontic treatment is perfect for those who are busy and don’t like the inconvenience of having braces. While using Invisalign in San Jose can improve your oral health, this treatment option […]

Dental Implants vs Dentures: Which Should I Get?

Losing teeth can be pretty troublesome, especially when doing regular tasks like speaking and eating. If you have several missing or broken teeth, you’ll want to have them replaced as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to fix this problem, such as getting dentures or dental implants in San Jose.   If you […]

Effective Ways to Maintain Veneers

While your veneers in San Jose might be a permanent solution to your oral health problem, this doesn’t mean that you should ignore maintenance completely. Any dentist will tell you that you should still be extra mindful about specific things to keep your veneers in perfect shape. Your veneers should be taken care of just […]