Gum Disease Treatment San Jose

Treating Gum Disease with the Latest Techniques

Person pointing to their red gums before gum disease treatment in San Jose

Gum disease affects roughly half of all adults over the age of 30. What’s worse is that given the connection between oral and overall wellness, gum disease has the potential to increase the risk of systematic issues if left untreated. Fortunately, Dr. Lim and our expert team at the Center for Advanced Dentistry are capable of providing gum disease treatment in San Jose using some of the latest techniques and advancements in dental technology. Our comprehensive approach allows us to tackle gum disease at all stages, reversing it and ensuring ideal future health.

Why Choose Center for Advanced Dentistry for Gum Disease Treatment?

  • Board-Certified Prosthodontist
  • Non-Invasive Chao Pinhole Technique
  • Comfortable Laser Gum Treatment

Scaling & Root Planing

Illustrated dental scaler clearing plaque buildup from teeth and gums

When caught early, the bacteria that causes gum disease can be kept under control with standard routine teeth cleanings. However, more advanced cases can require something a little more thorough, which is where scaling and root planing is useful. This treatment involves Dr. Lim clearing out the current disease-causing plaque and bacteria that are deep below the gum line so that it’s unable to trigger an infection again later on.

Chao Pinhole Technique

Illustrated dental instruments restoring diseased gum tissue

Dr. Lim is pleased to offer the Chao Pinhole Technique as an option for addressing advanced cases of gum disease. It is renowned for being minimally invasive and is incredibly effective at reversing gum recession that can lead to sensitivity, a greater risk of tooth loss, and a less-than-ideal appearance. Without using an incision, sutures, or tissue graft, Dr. Lim can gently restore the original position of the gum tissue to improve both health and aesthetics in a single appointment.

Laser Periodontal Treatment

Illustrated dental laser treating gum disease

Compared to traditional methods, this tool allows Dr. Lim to be as minimally invasive as possible as he directly addresses the source of your gum disease using a very small laser. Not only is the laser effective at removing tartar and plaque buildup, but it also facilitates a smoother recovery. Better yet, there’s very little bleeding and no stitches since no incisions are needed.

Antibiotic Treatment

Person drawing syringe from vial of clear liquid

In some cases, it might be necessary for us to prescribe antibiotics to address your gum disease. These can be ingested or applied topically and be used short or long-term. They work by blocking the gum disease-causing bacteria from forming a cell wall, which causes it to die. This allows you to benefit from professional treatment between appointments and is able to reach the bacteria that is hidden in the deepest gum pockets.