Sedation Dentist San Jose

Making Your Next Dental Visit a Stress-Free Experience

Woman relaxing in dental chair thanks to sedation dentistry in San Jose

If you’re anxious about visiting the dentist, don’t worry—you’re far from alone. We have several sedation dentistry options that are certain to help make your next visit stress-free. If you’re ready to learn more about how sedation dentistry in San Jose can help you have a positive dental experience here at the Center for Advanced Dentistry, don’t wait to call us today!

Why Choose Center for Advanced Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Comfortable Dental Office with State-of-the-Art Technology
  • Various Sedation Options Available
  • On-Site Dental IV Sedation

IV Sedation

Close up of an I V drip

IV sedation is typically reserved for patients with severe cases of dental anxiety as well as those undergoing oral surgery or more extensive procedures. Our team will ensure that you’re safely administered this treatment option, and while under its effects, you’ll remain conscious, but you likely won’t remember much about the actual visit as you’ll be deeply relaxed. We recommend that you arrange transportation to and from your appointment if you’re receiving IV sedation since it tends to have lasting effects.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Senior man holding a pill and a glass of water

Oral conscious sedation tends to be an excellent option for patients who are afraid of needles or experience mild to moderate dental phobia. You’ll be prescribed a pill that you’ll take right before your appointment, and within a few minutes, you’ll begin to notice its calming effects. Like other forms of dental sedation, you’ll remain totally conscious and responsive to verbal commands. Since it also has lingering effects, you’ll need to arrange for a ride home.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Sedation machine with buttons saying nitrous oxide and oxygen

Nitrous oxide sedation, also known as laughing gas, is perfect for patients with mild cases of dental anxiety. It’s administered with a mixture of oxygen through a soft nasal mask, and our team will monitor you throughout the entire process. It produces a warm, euphoric feeling that makes the entire experience in the chair quite pleasant. Better yet, its effects are so fleeting that patients are able to resume their day following the appointment.