Invisalign Clear Aligners San Jose

A Convenient and Subtle Straightening Solution

Several Invisalign clear aligners in San Jose on black table with carrying case

Invisalign clear aligners have emerged as an effective alternative to traditional orthodontics, and many patients are quite enthusiastic about the discreetness and convenience they offer. If you’re unhappy with your teeth due to crookedness, misalignment, or some type of bite issue, Dr. Lim can inspect your smile to determine if you’re a good candidate for treatment with Invisalign in San Jose.

Why Choose Center for Advanced Dentistry for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • Friendly, Experienced, & Knowledgeable Dental Team
  • Faster Results Than Traditional Orthodontics
  • Entire Treatment Plan Professionally Supervised

How Invisalign Works

Close up of person placing an Invisalign aligner over their teeth

Invisalign utilizes a system of clear aligners that are worn over the teeth for roughly 22 hours every day. These trays apply steady, gentle pressure to the patient’s teeth, encouraging them to move into healthier positions. If any adjustments need to be made, or if any trays need to be replaced, it can quickly be handled so that there are as few delays to transforming your smile as possible!

The Benefits of Invisalign

Smiling woman holding an Invisalign clear aligner

Invisalign offers several unique benefits compared to traditional orthodontic options. Here are just a few:

  • Convenience – The aligners are completely removable, meaning that this treatment option comes with zero dietary restrictions, so long as the aligners are removed before meals. This also means that it’s easy to brush and floss your teeth every day.
  • Faster Treatment Timeline – Invisalign treatment is typically much shorter than the timeline for traditional braces; the clear aligners can do their job in just 12 to 18 months, while metal braces can take upwards of two years.
  • Subtlety – Since the aligners are made from clear transparent plastic, they’re virtually undetectable while being worn, which many patients prefer over noticeable, gleaming metal brackets and wires.